Friday, February 15, 2013

Race, Ethnicity & Oppression

Disclaimer: I might piss some people off with this one, but I hope what I write is looked at from my point of view just as I would look at it from those of you that might be pissed. For I am not bashing anyone. I am merely asking for a mind opening.


Here's my view: you live in America, you're American. What does being American mean? It only means that your passport says "United States of America". That's it. It does not mean that you've lost your Japanese heritage. It does not mean that you should melt together and forget your Peruvian traditions. It does not mean that you need to be on guard because your skin is not European white. But, it also does not mean that you need to throw in my face that your ancestors came from another country and I need to respect that. Last time I checked unless you're Native American (and even then) your ancestors probably did not originate in this country so you do NOT get my respect for being a transplant.

I might have lost some of you already, but I hope you read on. You DO get my respect because you are a human being. You get my respect because I find you fascinating as a person. I give respect because you did something that showed you have a good heart. You get my respect because you are you. That's it. It's so simple. You don't disrespect me, I don't disrespect you. Quite a concept, huh?

Some people might be thinking, "you're just a white boy that has never known prejudice in your life, how would you know how it feels?" Try this on for size. I'm not white. I am actually adopted and have NO CLUE what I am. Nor do I care. Because my race does not define me. I don't walk down the street defining others by their race, either. If you do, you're missing out on a lot of life. All I do know is that my birth parents were "ethnic". That's it. In the time I was born, that probably meant they had darker skin. I tan really easily and look like I have a tan year round. The bottom line is, I could be anything.

As for knowing oppression, not only am I not white, I'm a large man. I can't sit comfortably in public transportation, on planes or even in cars. I am even looked at and double-checked to make sure I don't look threatening and am just a large guy. I don't identify a sexual preference. Yes, I have a boyfriend that I'm in love with. But, I've dated women and been in love. I enjoy sex with both genders and yet, I'm STILL forced into one of two categories. One of which isn't even allowed to be married or have any rights. I have a disability of extremely flat feet. I get horrible knee and ankle pain that I have to deal with daily. I cannot get good health insurance because of preexisting conditions. The list could go on for pages.

My point is this. Stop focusing on the negatives. People are different in so many ways. I understand there is a history of oppression among certain race & ethnic groups. I'm not belittling that. But if you keep talking about the oppression then the oppression will keep happening. Why not talk about the amazing strides this country has made since those more oppressive days. Focus on the negative things that happened or are happening and you'll lose the beauty of life. Instead, show the world that you can rise ABOVE what tries to keep you down. Make yourself an example of a respectable person and you will gain the respect you deserve. I strive everyday to make the world a better place. I don't see race or disability or sexual identity. I see human beings. Each and every beautiful individual. When we start to see the world through those eyes, only then will the acts of oppression end.

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