Thursday, February 07, 2013

A Circular Return

It's been awhile. My life went in so many directions at once that the daily, weekly and monthly thoughts of posting to this blog began to fade away. There were job losses, vacations, relationships and more, but all of them were important to help me grow and learn. Adding up the time it seems forever that I sat down to write. Here I am. I have returned.

What to compose has been churning through my head. How to include the innumerable experiences that shed light into my world is a daunting task. Concluding that a recap of every possible topic is not feasible, I decided to pick up where I left the blog. After I highlight a few things. I call it a re-acquaintance.
  • I began a MA program in psychology and will follow it up with a PhD or PsyD, depending on where the energy of the world directs me. 
  • As if the graduate school is not enough, I have been very successful in running two websites since I lost both of my jobs back in 2010. These websites bring me joy. It is the joy that is felt when you are touching people's lives. I guess this is the feeling I sought when I decided to go into psychology. 
  • The love of my life moved in with me almost a year ago. I proposed in December and received a "yes". 
  • My adorable cats are still being adorable. Gratuitous pic to follow.
  • I have a nephew that just turned 3 and is the purest form of innocence and terror wrapped into one tiny package. He makes me want kids, but that won't happen for awhile. 
  • I am still personal training and running my real estate business. Both of which have been put to the side a bit during school.
  • My family is well and my friends are amazing. 
I've always said that life is circular. Aspects ebb and flow like the tides in the ocean. In some form, those aspects will always return. If you wait around and are attentive, something or someone will surface from your past. When it does, remember that I told you this. My blog is part of my circle of life. I hope that you get as much out of it as I do. Who knows, maybe it will contribute to your circle, too.

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