Wednesday, June 01, 2011


I would like to extend a heartfelt congratulations to all those that found it absolutely necessary to keep my mother up-to-date on what they found to be inappropriate, racy or otherwise non-conformist posts that I may have placed on my Facebook. Yes, congratulations!!!! You have won the award of being exactly what is wrong with the world. If you don't approve of something I do, move on. If you dislike something I say, get away. If you find me to be too in-your-face, then get out of mine. There is a reason my mother does not have a Facebook page - because she respects the boundary between parents and their adult children. I am 32 years old. I am not acting up for a teacher or bullying a student in grade-school. You have no right to report to her anything that I do of which you do not approve. Quit being so concerned with something I do of which you do not approve and focus on something you can do that will make the world a better place instead of spreading drama.

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