Monday, November 09, 2009

The ugly truth

Most people that know me, know that I will not say or do something untrue to myself. Why is it then that when I do this, you get mad? Are you upset because I told you something you did not want to hear or are you mad because you are disappointed in me? Either way, get over it. Neither reason has any grounding on our relationship. I am not going to sugar coat things or tell you stuff I think you want to hear.

If we are friends you should know by now that I will not lie to you to validate your actions and I will even explain why - which usually does not happen because you will not listen by that point. If we are family you should know I am going to tell you what I think and then push you to the point that I get a valid response as to why you feel opposite. If we are associated and I believe you are wrong you should know I am going to not do what you ask of me. If this is what happens - GET THE HELL OVER IT.

I am tired of dealing with hurt feelings because I was honest. I am tired of dealing with misunderstood conversations because I was honest. I am tired of being tired of being tired......

Sometimes the truth is ugly. Being mature and facing that fact is part of life - I face it everyday and do not take it out on the messenger. Get over it and learn from it. Life is about overcoming the ugly truth.

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