Monday, August 31, 2009

A cup of coffee

Generally, I walk by anyone asking for something of me on the street. It's a very private and un-confrontational way to live life. No one talks to me, I don't have to acknowledge their existence. Today was different.

I had a bit of time to kill before meeting a contractor and I was craving coffee. Walking up the street to the Starbucks, I passed a man seated on the stoop of the backdoor to the building in which the venue is located. He politely asked me for a cup of coffee and my rote reply came out, "Not today".

As I stood in line, waiting my turn, I thought about what a habit it is to just say no to those people that attempt to acquire something from me on the street. I also realize that, if I were in his position, I would appreciate someone spending $1.50 for a cup of coffee for me.

Who knows if he really wanted coffee; I never will. Selfishly, I enjoyed the feeling it brought to my day. I do not know if that feeling should even be there. I did not gloat about what I did, except, maybe you, my reader, feels that I am gloating now. I did enjoy the warmth and good feeling it brought to me the rest of the day, knowing I helped someone. Is that bad? I would argue, no. Who really knows? Maybe it is. Maybe the warmth I felt was from the coffee, or maybe I just did a good thing and karma is smiling on me. Either way, I plan to pass it on.

1 comment:

myspace famous said...

Hey Christopher,
LOVE,LOVE,LOVE this insight. IMO the warmth you felt was self respect in helping out a fellow man. Yes, it's easy for any of us to say "not today" but, I'm so glad that you didn't. Charity has a way of bringing out a lot of self respect, because you listened to your heart and not your head. Our head tells us, this person wants more, or he'll get that cup of coffee from 20 other people. But, congratulations! Putting yourself in his shoes was listening to your heart. You're a better man today because of it.