Wednesday, March 05, 2008

McDonald's, passersby and a truckload of toilet paper

Today, for some un-godly reason I decided to stop by McDonald's to quell my craving for some nuggets. After pulling into the garage and grabbing the distinctive sack from the golden arches, I glanced to the backseat and noticed I forgot to bring in the toilet paper I had purchased at Target previously in the day. Have you ever noticed how you have to buy a pack of toilet paper that has 12 rolls which actually equal 24 rolls? Needless to say, it's not a small package.

So, there I am, deep-fried food and toilet paper enough to clean up Katrina walking down the street. I begin looking around and notice odd looks coming from passersby. I begin thinking of what could possibly be so odd about me and I realize that I am essentially carrying a shit-factory in a bag with the means to clean it up! People must be wondering if I live off McDonald's with all that toilet paper. Needless to say, I walked as quickly as possible to my front door, praying no one would be in my elevator.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

To all of God's children.

I believe that we are all connected by a higher power. Some call it God, others Allah, but whatever it is, some sort of energy unites every human being on this planet. Recently the little boy in this picture was murdered by one of his male classmates because he asked him to be his valentine. I have no words that have not already been said about this tragedy except that there exists an utter disgust in my heart for any family that teaches a child hatred. At 15, Lawrence King, lived his life proud of who he was and was murdered for it by a 14 year old. Shame on that 14 year old's parents. Not only has he ruined the life of many people by eliminating the life of Lawrence King, but he has ruined his own life by acting as he did. Love is the only thing that will keep this world together, but, apparently, love does not exist in the murderer's family, nor does the murderer exist in God's family as far as I'm concerned. Shame and disgust on them.