Do you like sharks? I don't know many people that would want to cuddle with them, but you might be fascinated by their actions. Now, off the coast of California, explorers think they have found a long lost species of shark called the Megalodon. This shark is believed to be at least 2-3 times larger than a Great White and was thought to be extinct over 2 million years ago. This picture is an artist's estimation of what that shark would look like today if you saw it off the side of your boat.
The earth is covered by 70% water. Most of the water is unexplored because it is too deep. In the Sea of Cortez alone the depths get to 10,000 feet. That's a ton of water with a ton of prey for a shark the size the Megalodon is thought to be. Below are pictures of an actual Megalodon tooth and jaw. No one has been able to catch this great shark in recent times or get a picture, but, if you saw something this size coming at you, wouldn't you want to get out of the water?
Omg i wish i had one for a pet! Please buy me one for my birthday. i wish i was able to see one. I wishi could see one attacking a person cool.
oh my gosh that's crazy
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