It's odd, the past is coming back. Not to haunt, but to recirculate. People pop through and occurrences repeat but time keeps moving forward. It is a very odd phenomena to watch your life take turns and paths that resemble past choices made. It can be sad if they are detrimental and poor choices that keep being repeated. It can be exciting if the occurrences were good. It can be cloaked if you do not realize what is happening.
Take a look at people in your life. Look at how they have been involved and the times they have not. Relationships ebb and flow as does the good and bad. No one will I ever write off, almost to a point some may consider apathy, but I do not believe in creating feelings. If you sit back and watch your life, you will see that you truly have no control over certain things. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the company of those around you. They may be part of you now, but it may be awhile before you cross paths again, but they will return.
Your past may be your past, but it circulates, reorganizes, reinvents and reincarnates itself into your present and your future.