Wednesday, July 25, 2007

I can't wait!

This movie looks amazing!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Release all the pressure.

Everyday something new and exciting happens to us - we wake up. It is probably the BEST time of the day, since most of our anger, frustration and stress has been washed away by sleep. Those eight or more hours a night are the best remedy for a bad day.
However, one should never just fall asleep in that state. To combat those negative emotions that have built up through the day, I always take at least 3 deep breaths after lying down and getting comfortable. Try it. I mean DEEP breaths. Concentrate on the actual act of the breathing so that all the thoughts running through your head are no longer in the front of your mind. Notice how comfortable you are under the covers, feel them envelope you. Take notice of the air going in and filling not just your lungs, but your whole torso. Then slowly release it. Make yourself so empty that your stomach becomes concave and forces the rest of the air out of your lungs. With that release, feel the tension go away and leave your body. I say 3 breaths but I just keep going until I don't feel any stress anymore. Most of the time I fall asleep without even realizing it. At some point, while doing this or when you wake up in the morning, remember these words by Robert Frost: "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on."

Tuesday, July 10, 2007


it is open, wide
a mind of it's own, eyes peering to the future
hope? desire, maybe
choose to wait, wait to choose
I feel and see an exit, no end
that could be selfish or smart
but indifference fills it
no one can comprehend as
the explanation does not exist,
but, as with all experience,
lessons have been learned
I discover in myself the true
meaning of "me"
incomplete is the story,
voracious is the mind,
open is the heart

Blog addition

I have developed a new blog as an off-shoot of this one. It is a listing of my workouts, diets, and all health related information that I feel like sharing. There is a link to it on the side of this page or you can click here: